senior solutions architect at AWS. ex-Cloudflare, DTA, Geoscience Australia.
i believe that:
- more frequent deployments lead to better user outcomes
- devops is about culture and incentives
- serverless is a better developer experience
- observability isn't monitoring
stuff i've done
principal AWS solutions architect for Census 2021 [0] [1]
lead developer of the AWS IRAP Quick Start
sole developer of the AWS ISM Conformance Pack
the Australian Government Secure Cloud Strategy was my baby
infrastructure engineer and automator for Sentinel and Earthquakes
AWS solutions architect for BDTI
minor contributor to Fingerspell
things i've written
Australian Bureau of Statistics runs 2021 Census on the AWS Cloud
architecture docs, deployment guide, and launch announcement for the AWS IRAP Quick Start
AWS ANZ Public Sector Agency Fast Start Guide, including launch announcement
Gaining Operational Insights of the Australian Census with AWS (uncredited)
cloud advice for the Australian government
relevance tuning with Amazon Kendra
AWS IRAP reference architectures, IRAP assessment, and consumer guidance (contributor)
Security in Amazon CodeGuru Profiler whitepaper (contributor)
as well as a bunch of articles
wrangling multiple AWS accounts with AWS Organizations
AWS Conformance Packs for ISM and Essential 8
deploying the AWS IRAP Quick Start
community work
former organiser of Infracoders Canberra and the Australian Government Cloud Community
sometime presenter at the Canberra AWS User Group